The exact delivery address will be sent to you a couple of days before your first delivery. Please check your spam folder as well.
If the driver is delayed we will email to let you know the estimated arrival time.
When you pick up your items, there will be a binder with a sign out sheet. Be sure to check your order and initial next to your order every time you pick up. If your name is not on the list and you are expecting items please contact RFBA immediately at support@realfoodbayarea.com.
- Pick up your order between the hours of 8 am and 10 pm (unless otherwise directed in drop specific instructions). If you come late please bring your own flashlight and be respectful of the hosts and their neighbors - don’t slam your car door, don’t clank the milk bottles and don’t carry out loud conversations. The hosts and neighbors appreciate your courtesy.
- Consolidate items in the coolers, and shift ice or ice packs from empty coolers to fuller ones (if it’s not late). Don’t leave one or two items alone in a cooler if there is another cooler with other items. They’ll keep each other colder when together. Your consideration is appreciated.
- Close cooler lids tightly. Push them down all the way. Don’t just let them drop or leave them open all the way.
- Be sure to pick up your items within 24 hours after delivery. After this time the delivery location hosts will clear the coolers and donate any products that have been left. If they are yours, you will still be responsible for paying for them. If you have an unexpected emergency, please contact us immediately and we will try and arrange extended storage.
- If you have someone else picking up for you, please inform them of the procedures so they can follow these guidelines as well.
Monday Delivery
- Gilroy (Churchill Pl., Gilroy): Delivered by 2:00pm
Tuesday Delivery – Route One
- Half Moon Bay (Terrace Ave., Half Moon Bay): Delivered by 9:00 am
- San Francisco Merced Manor (25th Ave., San Francisco): Delivered by 11:00 am
- San Francisco Inner Sunset (16th Ave., San Francisco): Delivered by 12:00 pm
- Mill Valley (Thomas Drive, Mill Valley): Delivered by 2:00 pm
Tuesday Delivery – Route Two
- Campbell (Linda Dr., Campbell): Delivered by 11:00 am
- Scotts Valley (Tan Oak Dr. Scotts Valley): Delivered by 12:00 noon
- San Jose South (Henderson Drive, San Jose): Delivered by 1:00 pm
- San Jose Downtown (Julian St., San Jose): Delivered by 2:00 pm
- San Jose West (Adra Ave., San Jose): Delivered by 3:00 pm
Wednesday Delivery – Route One
- Pleasanton (Sylvaner Dr., Pleasanton): Delivered by 9:30 am
- Walnut Creek (Holly Hill Court, Walnut Creek): Delivered by 10:30 am
- Concord (Heather Glen Lane, Concord): Delivered by 11:30 am
- Berkeley South (Benvenue Ave., Berkeley): Delivered by 12:30 pm
- Oakland (Linwood Ave., Oakland): Delivered by 1:30 pm
- Fremont North (Nicolet Ave., Fremont): Delivered by 2:30 pm
Wednesday Delivery – Route Two
- San Carlos (Dale Ave., San Carlos): Delivered by 9:00 am
- Redwood City (Grand St., Redwood City): Delivered by 10:00
- Palo Alto Downtown (Waverley St., Palo Alto): Delivered by 11:00 am
- Palo Alto South (Brassinga Ct., Palo Alto): Delivered by 12:00 noon
- Santa Clara South (Machado Ave., Santa Clara): Delivered by 1:00 pm
- Sunnyvale (Ramon Dr., Sunnyvale): Delivered by 2:00 pm